Babydoll Southdown Sheep
The Babydoll Southdown sheep are great small livestock if you’re looking to harvest cashmere-like fleece, run a breeding operation, or have the cutest sheep around. They grow to be about 18-24 inches in height and 70-120 lbs in weight. One acre of land can sustain five Babydoll sheep and they are popular as “organic weeders”. Their fleece is also fine, soft, very elastic and has more barbs per inch than other wool types. These sheep are good mothers and have a strong flocking instinct. As a result if you’re looking for friendly sheep that are low-maintenance and require less land and fewer resources, Babydoll sheep may be the breed for you.
Ewes and rams are both polled (no horns) and are very docile by nature. The ewes are good mothers, and can often raise twins and triplets with ease. Because the “Olde English Babydoll” Southdowns are one of the ancient breeds, they are not prone to very many of the modern sheep problems and are resistant to foot rot.
All our sheep are registered with NABSSAR.
Babydoll southdown sheep
Flock origin + Scrapie-Proof
We secured our original Babydoll Southdown flock of 16 sheep from a wonderful, knowledgeable shepherd named Kristin in Colorado. Buying a flock from Colorado provided us the ability to bring new genetics into Texas. As we are serious about keeping inbreeding low and maintaining our unique set of genetics.
At Black Sheep meadows we only breed with RR rams (Codon 171) to Scrapie-Proof our flock. As a result all our lambs are QR/RR meaning that they are resistant to Scrapie.